The Apple's iPad tablet has created a thirst for tablet around the world. Dozens of other manufacturers have rushed to deliver low-budget alternatives running Google's Android operating system. In this race to the bottom, the Maylong M-150 (aka the Walgreens tablet) made headlines with a low-ball price tag that's less than $150.
It's probably no surprise that the M-150 is a horrible product; performance rivals a sloth, the user interface is all over the place, and the screen is just about as ugly as the anger it causes. Still, as a case study in how to destroy a perfectly good operating system with cheap, clunky, and substandard hardware, the Maylong M-150 deserves a review.
THE COOL: The Maylong M-150 is one of the least expensive 7-inch Android tablets we've seen.
THE NOT COOL: The screen is warped and scratch-prone; battery life is poor; the Android interface has been modified for the worse; no easy method for connecting to a computer; slow boot time; confusing navigation; no support for Android Market or official Google Mobile apps.
THE BOTTOM COOL: The Maylong M-150 tablet is a regrettable purchase at any price.
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Ohhh I'm gonna go cop one today!! ....NOT!